Valuation data is pulled from and based on the average price of verified purchases, from the last 90 days; otherwise, the historic price is displayed.
Trending Value: If a product has had no sales in the last 90 days on, we display the last known value as the eBay Historic Value.
Last Sold Value: The eBay Last Sold Value displays the value of the most recent transaction on over the last 90 days. This value is displayed when the volume of recent transactions is limited.
eBay Historic Value: The eBay Historic Value displays the last recorded verified eBay transaction value of an item that has not sold in the last 90 days.
Historic Value: When there are no eBay recent sales associated with a product, we show the last known Historic Value from our internal services.
No Price Data: No Price Data is displayed when there has been no sale on eBay in the last 90 days or Funko’s historical records.
Currency Conversion: International users can go to the Account Settings in their app to turn on currency conversion and select their preferred currency for collection valuation. The app will then show valuations converted from $USD to the selected currency.